Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Holiday Magic

I knew you were busy over the holidays, so I didn't want to overwhelm you with too much internet reading.  If I had been more diligent about posting over the past few weeks, you may have been distracted while internet shopping and forgotten someone on your list.  How terrible!  You see, I had to keep my thoughts to myself for your own good.

Okay...I hope you saw through that smokescreen.  Sooner or later, the truth usually comes out--so you might as well hear it from me.  I left San Diego on December 14 to spend the holidays with my family and friends in Wildwood Crest, NJ.  I spent my days training on all my old stomping-grounds, but when my training was finished for the day something magical would happen.  At around 7:00pm every night, I would sit down at our family dinner table.  From that moment on, I was unable to do anything else for the rest of the night!  I fell under the "Maloy Dinner Table Spell."

I'm not making this up.  You see, no matter what one might have planned on accomplishing after dinner, once he/she sits down, all those responsibilities magically disappear.  Nothing in the world becomes so important as continuing to converse at that dinner table.  This conversation continues long after the food disappears.  This also happens magically.

I know some people are reading this and thinking, "WOW, this spell explains an awful lot."  Making this generalization would be a mistake.  The "Maloy Dinner Table Spell" only explains the powerful yet unseen force which draws one to the table.  The rest is explained by my mom's home cooking and my dad's diligence in keeping one's thirst quenched.

I'm thankful for every second I spent sitting at that table over the past two weeks.  I'm even more thankful to have shared that time with the family and friends who will testify to "The Spell."  Now I'm back to San Diego--where I'm back to work*.  Until next time, this is my dinner table.

Happy 2013!  Cheers.

*- In my case, work is a good thing.  I hope you can enjoy the good in your work, too.  

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